Financial results 2022

December 13, 2022

The active economic activity of the companies participating in the network over the past year and a half has increased interest in BDO services. This trend concerns key business areas. BDO's investments in personnel, improvement of the quality of services and technologies have become a reliable basis for the growth and development of human resources, which allows us to always offer customized solutions for our customers.

December 12, 2022, BRUSSELS - The BDO network announced its financial results for 2022. As of September 30, 2022, the chain's total revenue, including BDO exclusive alliances, was $12.8 billion/€11.8 billion. Thus, the chain's revenue increased by 12.1% (+8.76% in EUR; +20% in USD)*.

*at constant exchange rate

The largest growth was demonstrated by the region of North and South America - 14.5%. BDO's US revenue grew nearly 25%. Most BDO member firms in the Asia-Pacific region showed positive growth dynamics. BDO growth in China has slowed down due to the ongoing pandemic crisis and consequent restrictions on the movement of people and goods. The growth of the Europe, Middle East and Africa region has been influenced by geopolitics and international conflicts. However, in Germany and the UK, steady growth has been recorded. We are witnessing that our strategic approach has helped build trust in the BDO brand and has led to the growth of our firms in the French, Norwegian and Israeli markets.

Interaction and strong team

Today, when we live in a digital world, the main problem of mankind has become a lack of resources. The paradigm shift forced us to learn to think and work in new ways. BDO's commitment to invest in cutting-edge technology, digital transformation, and the development of new services has made us leaders in a world of new opportunities. The interaction of BDO firms is stronger than ever: we share resources and help each other serve customers. Together we strive for business growth and development.

Pat Cramer, who was recently appointed Head of the Network, comments on BDO's progress in 2022: “In a rapidly changing reality, our primary task is to develop BDO and protect the interests of the network. We speak the same language with clients. We strive for high quality services, communication, interaction and customer-oriented approach. We have reached the next stage of development, and, more than ever, we are committed to investing funds and resources in growing the business and attracting people with a global mindset. BDO is built on a solid foundation, thanks to which the network grows and develops. We are ready for change, ready to invest in quality, digitalization, technology and people, ready to create value for our customers and employees.”

Change as an impetus for development

Change creates opportunities. An increasingly global world requires us to provide global services across all business lines. In the name of customer success, we continue to evolve our organization and focus on strategies that help customers on their journey to digital transformation. We focus not only on audit and tax advice, but also on risk and quality assessment, technology, social and environmental responsibility, human resources and a number of international business lines.

BDO values

BDO strives to meet the needs of customers in all areas and offer the best business solutions. Our specialists improve their professional skills and deepen their understanding of our clients' markets. Thanks to the growth of BDO, we can direct resources towards development, maintain a focus on quality, and avoid potential risks.

Corporate Culture BDO

We are an organization with high goals. We are improving. Our vision of "WHY: Dreams come true through people" shapes the understanding of who we work with, how we support colleagues, customers and communities. Our actions, aspirations and dreams about it.We immediately responded to the military actions in Ukraine, thus proving that our concept works. We prioritize the interests and safety of our people. In the shortest possible time, BDO formed a response team and attracted volunteers who supported their Ukrainian colleagues around the clock. The BDO Network along with other international organizations decided to stop cooperation with Russia and Belarus.

A week after the outbreak of hostilities, BDO in Ukraine resumed and streamlined operations, including through the temporary outsourcing of business processes to BDO firms located in geographical proximity.

Pat Kramer: “I am proud of BDO and my colleagues who have made our clients grow despite the challenging environment. We have a unique business culture. The WHY concept has proven its worth. Bringing our corporate culture to life is the key to our becoming the best version of ourselves.”